L’Heure Bleue - Eva Klasson & Cecilia Edefalk
With several common points of contact, Eva Klasson and Cecilia Edefalk are artists who have followed their strongest impulses and thereby created art history. A sudden shift; the moment where the genius is born.
What is it?
A place, a certain time, a specific space? Day or night?
L’heure bleue is the strange moment where the sun and the moon interact in the resolution of light. The moment is as magical as it is elusive, but clear as a sudden revelation. The exhibition presents some of the last existing photographic vintage prints from Eva Klasson's Paris year, together with sculpture and watercolours by Cecilia Edefalk.

L’Heure Bleue
c/o Sotheby’s, Sturegatan 24
7 - 17 October, 2021


Sofie Josefsson- Museum för det som sker vid sidan om


Vera Frisén - Umeå